(Actual) Wednesday Project Review

Time is an illusion. Also, I have a really hard time with dates sometimes. But today is indeed Wednesday! And I have more things to semi-cross off, so I'm doing The List again.

Fingerless mitts for H shipped!
• V's RenFest outfit: blouse, skirt, sash, and decoration
• My RenFest outfit: blouse and sash, and decoration
• 12th-century suit for K: bliaut, shirt, braies, and hose (and garters!)
• Late Turkish ensemble for Liz in Texas: shirt, pants, coat, veil, and hat
• Blue linen work dress
• Yellow wool bliaut
• Blue and red silk bliaut
• Ostentatious green and peach silk bliaut
• Four or five modern dresses/skirts/blouses
• Researching and practicing tablet weaving
• 12th century shoes

I did cut pieces for K's shirt last night, and I even took a picture of the big pile of linen before I started cutting, but I'll have to add it later since my phone is refusing to hand over the photos. So happy to work with linen again! I'm becoming a serious fabric snob. What A Shock. And I remembered to just cut gussets in the beginning, so that should make fitting it much less painful, too.

I should really sand my shiny new inkle loom so I can warp it up and try some tablet weaving. At this rate I won't have time to attempt my project for Queen's Prize, which happens far sooner than I think I'd like. Mid-September. That's...awfully soon. And Coronation is in a few weeks, so I need to stitch fast if I want to have K's garb done by then.
