Maybe If I Avoid Looking At It

The deadline, I mean. I can just...pretend it doesn't exist, and that will make me have more time to work on things. Totally. That is absolutely how this works.

Although really, I have no reason to worry. Everything essential is done—hose are completely seamed and raw edges finished, garters are woven (all I have to do is cut them to length and finish the ends, which I'd rather do after checking them on K), my things are theoretically all hanging in the closet where they belong, although there's always something small lurking in a still-packed basket from the last event.

I just want to finish the belt I decided to make; it's seamed and turned, and only needs four eyelets to lace the cords through. And I need to make the cords, but that's about thirty minutes of spinning, including making and attaching tassels.

A wooden inkle loom with a red and orange striped warp and a plain weave band in progress, sitting on a wooden table.
And a shot of the loom in action! Warped correctly and everything. I think it was only four or five hours of weaving time for probably three yards of garter—not bad for a first loom project. Can't wait to warp it up with some finer thread, though.
