Making Pretty Good Time

New goal: mail H's mitts on Monday. By Monday. Something like that. At the rate I'm going, it should be possible.
A bright turquoise, very full skirt draped over a half-wall, with mirrors attached at intervals with white shisha embroidery.
Yesterday morning I stitched the last mirror on V's skirt, and of course now I want to embroider something in between each mirror. Must stop embellishing and finish more things. I like the little bit of sparkle, though, and it should look even better in motion.

A half-knitted deep red fingerless mitt with en eyelet chevron pattern on the back of the hand, being modeled with the needles still in the top edge.
With apologies for blurriness; it was late and I didn't want to get up to turn another light on. I'm inventing the chevron pattern wholesale from a photo of another pair of fingerless mitts with a similar(ish. Not really. Those ones pointed the other way and had textural things going on around the yarn overs that I'm not doing) pattern. For someone who has successfully knit a lot of complex things in her life (as in, second project ever was a giant wool shawl with lace at the edges. Third and fourth projects were a full lace shawl and shaped colorwork mitts. My brain has no chill), I am getting my ass kicked having surprising difficulty knitting a simple yo, k2tog based pattern. Ah well. At least I'm writing down every row literally as I knit it so the second mitt will match perfectly. Right down to the wobbly chevrons.

Goal for today? Finish this first mitt over lunch. I only have twelvish rows left for the hand, the bind off, and the thumb. Should be doable, especially if I actually take all my break time today rather than working through part of it.
