Events! Greatsword! Etc!

A view from under a dagged canvas tent flap to more medieval-style canvas tents in a grassy field, and a round wooden table surrounded by medieval-style breakdown chairs.
This is from our porch at Horse and Falcon; just out of frame to the left is the plywood drawbridge.
Still not dead! I even went to a few events recently; Melees and Mayhem in Crescent Moon, and the Tournament of Horse and Falcon in the Barony of Forgotten Sea.

At Melees, I got authorized in two-handed sword, after learning there that I wouldn’t be allowed to fight with my bastard sword. Should’ve checked the rules, but I didn’t realize greatsword and bastard are one authorization. Thankfully, I know some pretty amazing greatsword fighters, so got a quick lesson in how to operate a sword as long as I am (eep), and I survived! Now I can hit people with really big sticks.

I also bought a lovely inkle loom that just needs to be sanded before I get some yarn on it, and discovered that I am in no way fit to fight in a melee. At all. I had no idea what to do or how to even identify members of my side, and I more or less fled the field after a few minutes. So that was less great.

A young white woman in a grey dress and white veil with a beaded edge, inside a white canvas tent.
I was very proud of my nice veil draping.
Horse and Falcon was wet. So wet that there weren’t any horses, sadly, but there were three elevations (one to each Order, which amused me) and lots of time to sew and enjoy the rather lovely weather.

A few of us went wading in the creek to pick up colored rocks and clays for some of the kids to experiment with, too—a lesson in period inks and dyes and other colorants. The water was extremely nice, though the poison ivy creeping and draping and lounging on the banks was less so.


  1. I resisted veils and wimples for ages, but finally admitted that, since there is very little fantasy in my fiction (apart from a little time travel, and that's not the same, is it?) if I want to give the right impression, I do need both coverings.
    I treated myself to pieces sold at a local LARP market, the first one I've ever been to, made in real silk and handsewn, and now I'm used to them, I actually find them quite flattering. At the very least, I never need worry about a bad hair day again, eh? Yours is very pretty.


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