
This is so amazing and I have been excited about it all week (and also someday I will blog in something approaching real time rather than several days or weeks after the fact, but this week is not that week).

A small piece of diamond twill yardage in maroon and brown.
Right now, it's about 18 inches wide and 4 yards long. I still need to stitch the ends to stabilize them and full it, which will cause some shrinkage, but hopefully not too much. Once that's taken care of I can measure again and figure out how wide a band I'll need to weave to go across the top edge so the cloak ends up big enough to use. (Something tells me I'm probably not going to be wearing this cloak this winter. I've never woven damasked anything, and I definitely want to do that for the upper band, although I might chicken out and go with a contrasting pattern/weft so it looks like a very intentional addition rather than a mathematical failure).

A close-up of maroon and light brown diamond twill fabric, showing the alternating center colors of the diamonds.
I also took a photo of the only weaving error I know of in this piece, which I left in place because a. it is very tiny and subtle and b. it amused me to have one imperfection.
