One-Quarter of a Third of a Half of the Way There

Or something like that.

A piece of dark brown silk with a narrow border of gold scrollin goak leaf embroidery hanging between two posts in an apartment, with a piece of white cotton hanging down from behind the silk and a stack of books leaning against the right-side post.
Can I interest anyone in some secondhand books? That stack is well over a foot tall. It's a hazard.
I've finished the first strip of skirt trim for the green and peach silk bliaut, and I am absolutely delighted with it.

The edge of a piece of dark brown silk, with a band of scrolling gold oak leaf embroidery bordered by narrow diamond bands, and with turquoise basted lines marking panaels across the fabric.
This is the first foot or so.
About a week and a half ago, it looked like the above and it was taking me about 20 minutes per leaf section, and those happen every two inches. That high-pitched keening noise you hear is me, doing math that tells me I might possibly maybe be able to finish the trim for the skirt by September at that rate.

A piece of brown silk with gold scrolling oak leaf embroidery in progress along the edge. Part of the fabric is stretched in a wooden embroidery hoop, with only the center vine of the oak leaves stitched.
Ah, natural lighting. So great for photography, so bad for my skin.
And then yesterday it looked like this while I stitched on my front porch and assiduously scooted away from the encroaching sun every time it touched my foot/leg/arm. I could tell when that happened because the general vicinity suddenly got brighter with the reflection

A sunny view off the side of a porch, with a lush pink-flowered rose arching over big-leafed seedlings and a white house with a red roof and a small porch in the background.
My only sadness about that rose is that it's a Knockout variety and has no scent.
This is what the porch looks like, incidentally. Very idyllic in early spring, with the sun and the breeze and the nice green growing things and the thumping bass soundtrack from the beer pong game down the street.

A big rectangle of dark brown silk laid out on grass in the sun, with a narrow band of gold embroidery running down the left edge and a piece of white fabric peeping out under that edge.
Two feet of leaves left to add, but I couldn't resist spreading it out on the grass.
And a bonus very very sunlit picture, because I am continually delighted by silk's ability to be a completely different color at all times, in all lighting situations, up to and including the exact same lightbulb but in a different phase of the moon. Also, I want to (try to) compare this with later photos as I complete more sections. Accountability and steady progress and isn't there a proverb or fable or something for this? Mainly I think I want to see how much of my two yards of fabric I can cover in embroidery.
