V's Blouse

A salmon-pink blouse with long, gathered sleeves, laid out on a white counter.
Please note charming gathered cuffs.
This is the almost-finished picture of V's blouse for RenFest (she wanted something Romani-ish, and I'm being incredibly lazy and making it up as I go). It's a fairly simple rectangular construction—big rectangles for the body, slightly smaller rectangles (or rather long trapezoids) for the sleeves, and rectangular gores (insets?) at the sides to give the underarms some ease.

All I have left is cutting and hemming the neckline, and decorations; neckline has to wait until I can put it on her, and I'll do the decorations once I know what size and shape the neck will be. Clever, no?

I am very extremely proud of those gathered cuffs, too. I've never gathered anything! Let alone gathered something into a functional cuff. I think they came out beautifully, and with a little luck they'll fit her well and not just fall over her hands.

Next on the list (kind of next) is the skirt:
Two folded piece of fabric stacked on a tan couch, lime green on top and bright turquoise beneath.
We don't need no stinkin' historical accuracy.
I have three yards and a few inches of turquoise, and one yard of green. Thinking a circle skirt (or circle-and-a-half, more likely, since swooshy skirts are fun), with a band of green at the bottom and the hem bound in turquoise (I should have plenty of scraps to achieve that). Now I just need to do the math for the skirt, which always seems to defeat me despite having completed the entire fricking calculus series but I'm not bitter about my lack of basic math ability or anything.
