Totally Not Starting Yet Another Project...

Yeah, that about sets the tone for this blog.

I was thinking recently that it would be nice to have an organized place to keep track of projects and blether about life, and then I started counting projects, and...well...there are a lot of them. A lot a lot. This many:

• My sister V's RenFest outfit:  blouse (lacking only the neck hemming, which must wait until I can fit it on her), skirt, sash, and decoration (probably jingly bits on the sash, chain stitch on the skirt, and some shisha work on the blouse)
• My RenFest outfit: blouse and sash, with similar decorative bits
• A full 12th-century suit for K: bliaut, shirt, braies, and hose. Ideally that'll involve some embroidery or beading too, although he might just have to be plain for a while
• A full late Turkish ensemble for Liz in Texas: shirt, pants, coat, veil, and hat. Buttons!! I've been waiting for a reason to do buttons.
• Another work dress (for me!) in the blue linen I recently found after thinking I'd hallucinated it
• A (relatively) simple yellow wool bliaut for me—I think this one's going to get a heavily beaded collar
• The blue and red silk bliaut (aaaaaah. It's tremendously gorgeous silk and I'm a bit nervous about cutting the pieces since I have a habit of cutting reasonably close and fudging or correcting things as I sew)
• The ostentatious green and peach silk bliaut—both of the silk bliauts are going to need lots of embroidery and pearlwork. Probably some tablet-woven belts in my future, too. (And as a side note, my calculations for this one suggest that the skirt hem will be something like 209 inches long. Almost six yards. I am unspeakably delighted about that right now, and I will be unspeakably whiny about it while I'm hemming)
• I have fabrics for four or five modern dresses/skirts/blouses, whenever I get around to deciding what exactly I want to make them into. Those should be pretty easy.
• Researching and practicing tablet weaving for my entry to Queen's Prize in the fall. I want to try a replication of this belt, which looks like it might be brocaded tablet weaving with more stitchwork or gems added on top? Clearly the research needs to happen still. I also need to learn how to tablet weave in the first place, but let's pretend that's not on the list.
• Shoes! I'm borrowing shoes still, as I have been for over a year now, and I finally have leather to use for my own.

There's lots and lots more, but I think that's enough to be getting on with. The knitting projects are all long-term, spinning is always a background activity, and there are things like more chemises and pairs of hose that hardly bear mentioning since they kind of happen around the edges of bigger projects.
