August 2019 Projects

The July List

• Paint living room wall
• Sew seashell skirt
• Hang art
• Replace back door
• Pipe two pieces of the tunikurti
• Set up rain barrels at back house corners
• Plant roses
• Construct garden gate
• Wash wool
• Sew octopus skirt
• Install kitchen faucet

Maybe I should look at the list more often? Or really add up my free hours and assess the chances of getting these things done in them...

The living room wall looks great, though, and the seashell skirt is a button placket, hem, and waistband away from being done.

The August List

• Finish seashell skirt
• Hang art
• Replace back door
• Pipe two pieces of the tunikurti
• Set up rain barrels at back house corners
• Plant roses
• Construct garden gate
• Wash wool
• Sew octopus skirt
• Install kitchen faucet
• Install clothesline poles
• Take in bridesmaid dress

This is going to be a fairly busy month, plus some international travel for a friend's wedding. Is that reducing the length of the list or shrinking my ambitions? No. Because I refuse to acknowledge the hegemony of the time-space continuum.
